There are a set of mental skills that are associated with goals (Goal Setting, Goal Implementation, and Goal Orientation) and a set that are about one’s self-concept (Personal Control, Self-Worth, and Task Confidence). The goal mental skills are tightly interrelated and the self-concept mental skills are tightly interrelated. In addition, goals impact self-concept and vice versa. For example, a baseball play with high Task Confidence for hitting will set different goals than an athlete whose Task Confidence for hitting is low.

Goal and self-concept mental skills influence Effort which in turn influences performance. Openness to Feedback is required throughout the MSM in order to understand which mental skills require improvement and how change can occur. Studies have demonstrated that Performance Satisfaction is important to the maintenance of behavior change and that successful leaders possess mental skills (e.g., exhibit BITEs) that facilitate effective leadership compared to those who are less effective.